Overview of SE and Legal Framework in Republic of Moldova Social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova is shaped and regulated by Law No. 845/1992. This legal framework defines social entrepreneurship, outlines its operational activities, and lays down the conditions for obtaining the status of social enterprises and integration enterprises. A social enterprise in Moldova […]


Overview of VET System The vocational education and training (VET) system in Luxembourg is an extensive and well- organized framework aimed at providing learners practical abilities and expertise, important for the engineering profession. In charge of managing the national VET system in Luxembourg is the Ministry of National Education, Childhood, and Youth, while it is […]


Overview of Education and VET System in Italy Italy has a well-developed education system that encompasses both general education and vocational education and training (VET). The education system in Italy is overseen by the Ministry of Education, Universities, and Research (MIUR), which establishes educational policies and guidelines. ➢ General Education: In Italy, education is compulsory […]